Professor Merendino from University of Tuscia, Italy, Awarded Title of "Honorary Doctor of ISEC"
May 26, 2022
On May 25, 2022, the delegation of International Scientific-Educational Center of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia headed by ISEC Director had the honor of awarding Professor Merendino the title of Honorary Doctor of ISEC.
Armen Sargsyan, Director of ISEC NAS RA, thanked Rector of University of Tuscia (UNITUS), Professor Stefano Ubertini, for inviting the Center's staff to participate in the International Staff Training Week within the frameworks of Erasmus + International Credit Mobility Program.
"Dear Prof. Stefano UBERTINI, Prof. Severini and other respectable members present at this meeting.
First of all, I would like to thank you for hosting us at your prestigious university. UNITUS is one of the finest universities in the world and a leading research centre and we are proud to be here for this very special occasion. This is indeed a special occasion for us as for the first time in the history of International Scientific-Educational Center of National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia, the Academic Council reached a decision to award a foreign scientist with the title of an honorary doctor to value and appreciate all the efforts Professor Merendino had taken for the merit and internationalization of ISEC.As you all may know, Professor Merendino is the Academic Coordinator of all 4 International Credit Mobility projects we have been implementing with UNITUS since 2016, whereas since 2018 he is the coordinator of the Erasmus+ capacity building project coordinated by UNITUS "Modernization of Environment Protection Studies (MENVIPRO)". Within this project a unique inter-University education and research laboratory is established at ISEC, which will be used for student projects, collaborative projects with external stakeholders. Professor Merendino is also the foreign member of the editorial board of "Katchar" Scientific Periodical published by ISEC. We should also mention the successful research collaboration that Professor Merendino has with institutions of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia.
During our collaboration, we have already three agreements signed on double degree programs, not to mention numerous student and staff mobility exchanges.So taking into consideration the long-term and fruitful cooperation and added value he has had in the internationalization of ISEC, the Academic Council of International Scientific Educational Center of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia has reached a decision to award him "Honorary Doctor of International Scientific Educational Center of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia" title as a gratitude and recognition of his efforts for the merit of ISEC and we are proud to grant it today to you.
Once again, I would like to extend my gratitude to all of you for the successful collaboration. UNITUS is our trusted partner in education and research and we hope to have long-term and effective collaboration."
The Public Relations and Career Department of the ISEC NAS RA