Seminar on "Academic Social Networks as a Modern Tool for the Researcher"
February 16, 2023
On February 15, a seminar on "Academic Social Networks as a modern tool for the researcher" was held at the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA, which was conducted by Mary Sargsyan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Scientific Secretary of ISEC NAS RA, Head of the Department of Linguistics.
During the seminar topics related to registration in international scientific social networks, creation of a scientific personal page, visibility on the Internet and organization of scientific communication in academic social networks were presented to the participants.
M. Sargsyan referred to the use of social media by the scientific community as a means of organizing and publicizing personal scientific work among colleagues, attending scientific events, and bringing people together under one platform. M. Sargsyan presented in detail the ORCID research identification system, Google Scholar academic search system, ResearchGate academic social network, Scopus and Web of Science academic databases, as well as the ResearcherID interactive platform.
M. Sargsyan noted the importance of the seminar, first of all, in terms of the participation of the faculty members of ISEC, and also welcomed the active participation of researchers from RA NAS institutes, graduate students and representatives of other universities.
During the active discussion, the participants put forward various proposals and observations, and everyone was unanimous in the opinion that it was necessary to ensure publicity and visibility as much as possible in academic social platforms, which will give researchers and scientists the opportunity to enter the international arena and make the scientific results of Armenian scientists more visible, thus forming international scientific groups and engaging in productive discussions.
At the end of the meeting, M. Sargsyan excitedly noted that the participants of the seminar were interested in the prospect of promoting their results in scientific metrics and scientific platforms, and expressed hope that they would actively use the tools presented during the meeting.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA