From Now on MENVIPRO and ABIONET Will Collaborate
September 28, 2020
"Modernization of Environment Protection Studies Programmes for Armenia And Georgia" (MENVIPRO) Erasmus+ capacity building project as represented by Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies (CENS) of NAS RA and "Environmental Protection and Nature Management" Department of ISEC NAS RA and "Armenian Network of Excellence in Bio-Products Science and Technology" Erasmus+ capacity building project as represented by Armenian National Agrarian University have signed an agreement of collaboration, which stipulates collaboration between the parties on mutually agreed programs in the following directions:
- Joint projects in the field of bioproducts technology and sciences in Armenia and in the partner countries by means of application of state-of-the-art methodologies and entrepreneurial tools;
- Exchange visits between the teaching and research staff, aimed at promoting seminars, courses, conferences, lectures; at carrying out joint research projects; at discussing experiences in fields of common interest, etc;
- Joint publications and information in fields and subjects of mutual interest;
- The exchange of undergraduate and post-graduate students for periods of study and research.
Reminder: Before signing this agreement, Food Safety Master Degree Curriculum, the current needs of food safety area and development of learning outcomes and modules of the abovementioned curriculum had already been discussed with the involvement of MENVIPRO consortium member Dr D. Pipoyan and other internal stakeholders.