ERLEP modern lab is catering not only the needs of students of ISEC NAS RA
July 20, 2022
On 18 July, "Modernization of Environment Protection Studies Programmes for Armenia and Georgia" (MENVIPRO) Erasmus+ capacity building project coordinator Dr. Angela Fattoretti from Tuscia University, Italy, visited ERLEP laboratory for quality control. CENS Director and Head of Joint Department of Environmental Protection and Nature Management of ISEC and CENS of NAS RA Dr. Lilit Sahakyan introduced the established infrastructures.
In the field of environmental studies, the modern lab with precise measuring devices has an invaluable and crucial role in the harmonization of education and research. ERLEP is the first Caucasus regional educational and research lab in the field of environmental science. The existing infrastructures of CENS are serving as a basis in order to have integrated laboratory capacities. Enormous efforts have been taken for its establishment, as equipment and devices were purchased during COVID pandemic with technical difficulties, a lot of renovation was carried out and today modern lab is catering not only the needs of students of International Scientific-Educational Center of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, but also other universities and research organizations in Armenia. In particular, an extremely effective collaboration was established between MENVIPRO and ABIONET Erasmus+ capacity building projects and ISEC students have their one semester of internship at CENS where ERLEP is located, thus making use of the advantages and opportunities of this unique facility.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA