Educational Visit to MLU within MENVIPRO
July 23, 2019
During these days another meeting within the MENVIPRO project took place at Institute of Geosciences and Geography of MLU. The local host Prof. Dr. Cornelia Gläßer introduced MLU and the Coordinator of the project Prof. Dr. Nicolo Merendino presented the ongoing activities of MENVIPRO project.
The local team member Max Horold introduced the local group and activities they are dealing with. In particular, he introduced the master and bachelor programmes in MLU and give a short overview of all programmes.
After Prof. Dr. Cornelia Gläßer presented the courses structure, organization of the modules and details of GIS and Remote Sensing related courses and teaching process.
In the second part of the first day meeting Mike Teucher introduced the ILIAS Learning Management System as open source software to administrate students & courses, to provide material, feedback and e-Learning material, showcase Learning Module MSc Geomatik and how to create/edit/manage content including self-test questions and learning progress report.