The representatives of the Center delivered reports at the international online conference
May 11, 2022
The ISEC NAS RA continues its close cooperation with new partner Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, where an international conference on "Efficient, Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture and Food Systems -The Interface of Science, Politics and Practice" is being held on May 11-13, 2022.
The conference provides a venue for policy makers, top managers, academicians and researchers all over the world who deal with global challenges affecting the agri-food system. Director of International Scientific-Educational Center of the NAS RA, Armen Sargsyan and Head of the Department of Management, Karen Sargsyan are included in the Scientific Committee of the conference.
At the international online conference Head of the Department of Management, Karen Sargsyan, made a speech on "The Impacts of COVID-19 on the Real Sector of Economy and Anticrisis Measures Effectiveness in the Republic of Armenia in the section "Agri-Food Policy; Economics, Management, Trade, Foreign Investment, Industrial Policy, Logistics. "In response to the economic and social impact of COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Armenia launched the anti-crisis support economic and social programs, which level of effectiveness are questionable, despite the fact that they contributed to averting the deep economic recession and avoiding grave social challenges that might have emerged. Thus, in order to face more serious challenges in the future, it is necessary to reconsider the scope of anti-crisis measures, allocations and the scope of their beneficiaries", mentioned Karen Sargsyan.
Head of the Foreign Affairs Department, Arusyak Harutyunyan, made her speech in the section "New Dimensions of Education and Use of ICT New Dimensions of Education", presenting that the needs assessment survey have been carried out with the identification of short-term distance courses needed to boost employability for organizing distance learning as lifelong learning (LLL) at International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA. The aims and objectives of the need assessment study were to find out the areas and specific topics of short-term courses needed to boost their employability after graduating an HEI and identify preferable ways of organizing distance courses such as duration of the course, required time, hour, structure, assessment methods, etc.
The Public Relations and Career Department of the ISEC NAS RA