Visit of AFISHE Working Group to Fish Farm in Slovakia
June 7, 2023
On 7 June, 2023, the working groups of "Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries Education for Green Deal in Armenia and Ukraine: FROM EDUCATION TO ECOLOGY" (AFISHE) Erasmus+ CBHE program paid a visit to "Biely Potok Ruzomberok" fish farm and processing plant in Nitra which is the largest salmonid fish company in Slovakia.
Reminder: the working group members of AFISHE project were from the following institutions: Armenian National Agrarian University, Scientific-Educational International Center of NAS RA, affiliated partner Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of NAS RA, University of Dubrovnik, University of Porto, Slovak University of Agriculture, Sumy National Agrarian University, and the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering.
The working group got acquainted with the operation of the fish farm, annual production of which achieves over 700 tons, production is realized by a closed system (reproduction - breeding/rearing - production of market fish). There are cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykkis), brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario) and grayling (Thymallus thymallus). Rainbow trout is cultured till the marketable size, other two fish species till fingerling/fishstock size only (mainly for rivers stocking). The fish are reared indoors (in hatchery) in flow-through troughs (Clark-Williamson and Ewos) up to a size of 4-5 cm, after which they are reared outdoors in concrete pools, circular tanks and cages. Source of water form head (ground water with temperature of 10-12 °C) for hatchery and river for outdoors rearing facilities.
There are two farms - one in the Biely Potok (district Ruzomberok - the one visited by AFISHE members) and next one in the Priboovce (Martin district). Both farms are disigned as semi-recirculating (flow-through with air lifts). The farms are equipped with modern equipment, the latest technologies widely used worldwide are applied here, water supply is mainly taken from springs and river waters. Of course, before entering the ponds and basins, these waters are pre-filtered, and not only mechanical, but also biological cleaning is applied with quite successful results. The broodstock at the time of the visit was represented by rainbow trout, with some fish reaching up to 14 kg in size. Some fish species are also sent to neighboring countries. they receive orders from Poland, the Czech Republic and other countries that also need to restore this or that species of fish in the rivers.
The plant is also engaged in commercial activities, as it is a closed joint stock company. There is a fish shop on the premises of the plant, where fresh, frozen or smoked fish products are sold on spot.
ISEC NAS RA Public Relations and Career Department