Training Program within AFISHE Project Completed
March 11, 2024
Since February 19, AFISHE staff internship program has started at the University of Porto in Portugal. On the first day of the internship, the group of teachers from Ukraine and Armenia was welcomed by the Vice-rector of the University of Porto, Joana Carvalho, in the ancient rectorate building in the historic center of the city. Then there was a tour of the territory of the university accompanied by a guide, who told about the history and notable personalities associated with it. On the next day, there were excursions to the exposition of the aquarium network "SEA LIFE" in the city of Porto and to the Interdisciplinary Center for Marine and Environmental Research "CIIMAR RESEARCH CENTER".
The aquarium was impressive for its variety of living organisms and the wide range of ecosystems that are presented on its territory - from freshwater rivers to tropical and cold-water marine ones. A huge number of projects are simultaneously implemented in the scientific center (in the fields of sustainable management of marine resources, environmental monitoring, aquaculture and biotechnology, etc.). Therefore, within the framework of the familiarization tour, the main research units related to genetic research, biomonitoring, and conservation of valuable and endangered species were presented by the Portuguese partners.
Then the participants visited the fishing port, fish auction "DOCA PESCA" and canning factory "PINHAIS", where they got acquainted with the features of the sanitary control of caught fish and seafood, the organization of fish auctions, as well as with the technology of processing and production of canned fish according to traditional methods that have been passed down from generation to generation for more than 100 years.
On the fourth day a field trip to the modern high-tech maricultural farm "FLATLANTIC AQUACULTURE", the most famous and largest in Portugal, and a visit to the "ELA" museum and aquarium was organized. The aquarium and museum are dedicated to local marine and freshwater biotopes, aquatic fauna, and flora, including fish that are caught by local fishermen, as well as marine invertebrates and macroalgae.
The planned visits to the various organizations of the field took place where all the functions of aquaculture were introduced in details as well as study visits were held during which a complete image was formed related to breeding, production and consumption of aquaculture.
Portugal as a leading country of the field with its advanced, voluminous infrastructure and with its sustainable opportunities in international arena is an exclusive place for the participants of the program to receive knowledge as deep and comprehensive as possible. In order to achieve this, visits were organized to scientific-research centers, fishing harbors, canning factories, workshops of aquaculture located on the shore of the ocean as well as sea aquariums and museums.
The staff members had a rich and interesting week of stay at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra as well. Meetings with Slovak and Armenian participants of the AFISHE project turned out to be meaningful and informative. Every day there were classes in groups in the areas of technical equipment of fish farming and the basics of scientific research. The teachers had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the work experience of Slovak scientists. Considerable attention was paid to the issues of state support for the fish farming industry in AFISHE partner countries, as well as the use of artificial reservoirs or the cultivation of fish in special conditions, such as fish farms, which allows controlling the living conditions of fish and maximizing their growth and development. The tools of motivating students to conduct scientific activities, the use of the latest teaching methods, as well as the issue of academic integrity were discussed. Discussions throughout the classes were effective, during which teachers from NUWEE, NAUA and SAU presented their vision for the further development and improvement of the implementation of educational programs in the direction of aquatic bioresources and aquaculture.
ISEC NAS RA Department of Public Relations and Career