Business administration laboratory
1. The objectives of the laboratory are:
a) to assist in the deepening of professional knowledge in the field of economics and business administration in the Republic of Armenia, the development of scientific and applied research,
b) to provide consulting services to commercial and non-profit organizations, businessmen, ISEC students, staff and population of the,
c) to promote the professional education of students and all stakeholders by specializing in economics, management and related fields through training and practice,
d) to carry out scientific research in various spheres of economics and business administration,
e) to organize professional and practical trainings and discussions in the field of economics and management for the population, businessmen and other stakeholders.
2. The problems of laboratory are:
a) Providing advisory paid services related to economics and management to the commercial and non-profit organizations, economists, ISEC students, staff and population
c) organization of research in economics and business administration, development of business plans,
d) establishment, strengthening and development of relations with the scientific and social structures of Armenia and abroad,
e) organizing conferences, seminars, discussions,
f) publication of scientific materials, magazines and collections,
g) organization of additional courses for Master students in economics departments of the ISEC and other higher educational institutions,
h) organizing professional internships for Master students in economics departments of ISEC and other universities.