Working Discussion Within MENVIPRO Project
March 30, 2021
On the initiative of Center for Ecological Noosphere Studies of NAS RA on 25 March an online meeting was held within the frameworks of "Modernization of Environment Protection Studies Programmes for Armenia And Georgia" (MENVIPRO) Erasmus+ capacity building project with the Armenian partners – ISEC, CENS and Gavar State University to discuss the organizational matters of the summer school to be held in Armenia in 2021. In the course of this online meeting, the participants discussed the format of organizing the summer school taking into consideration the tendencies of the pandemic and the existing restrictions, as well as the time period of the summer school.
In order to extend the outreach of the summer school it was proposed to hold the summer school in two languages /English and Armenian/, as well as professional working groups were established for the purpose of facilitating and coordinating the organizational process.