TUMO Laboratories Collaboration Offer: Meeting-discussion in ISEC NAS RA
December 27, 2019
On December 24, 2019, the ISEC NAS RA hosted the Senior Project Manager of TUMO Labs Bahareh Fatemi.
Attendees of the meeting included the following ISEC NAS RA staff: Armen Sargsyan - Head of Information Technology Departrment, Erjanik Zargaryan - Head of Education Department, Vladimir Sahakyan - Head of the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering, Angela Papikyan - Chief Specialist in Foreign Affairs Department, Atom Mkhitaryan - Scientific Secretary and Hrachya Astsatryan, Director of the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences.
Ms. Fatemi presented TUMO Labs is an initiative of the EU TUMO Convergence Center for Engineering and Applied Science funded by the European Union in Armenia. The program is a pioneering component of the Convergence Center project that brings together academia and industry to create hands-on, market-relevant learning experiences for university students and young professionals.
The meeting aimed to offer ISEC collaboration in the field of Informatics and Computing, targeting at the students of Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering through hands-on, project-based learning experiences. Credit projects can become part of the ISEC curriculum or be as an independent module within a curriculum.
According to Ms. Fatemi, the projects will involve students, professors, and business-oriented industrial organizations. Each project is supposed to be market-based and linked to education and industry. Topics of the proposed projects are Education, Finance, Culture and Tourism, Games, etc. The technologies used are Robotics, Cyber Security, Automation, Simulation and more. Companies are ready to sponsor students with all the necessary resources for project implementation.
Additionally, TUMO will provide local universities and stakeholders with a shared hub to exchange ideas and share resources where students can always access to up-to-date equipment and software needed to carry out projects.
The proposed project-based learning can be briefly identified by following benefits:
- Contact with leading experts in the field
- Development of learning models through projects
- Cost-efficient research activity (shared hub)
- Presentation of universities in the market (through students)
At the meeting Ms. Fatime also introduced the EU TUMO Convergence Center as a an initiative of the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies funded by the European Union. This mixed-use campus will foster innovation and entrepreneurship by linking local students, researchers and technologists to each other and their global peers. It will become the most ambitious and multifunctional education ecosystem in the region to offer a viable environment for engineering and applied science. The final architectural design of the center will be completed in 2020 spring.
At the end of the meeting the perspectives and ways of possible cooperation between the International Scientific-Educational Center and TUMO Laboratories were outlined.