Trilateral MOU Signed Among University of Agriculture in Krakow, ISEC and CENS NAS RA
November 6, 2019
University of Agriculture in Krakow (UAK), International Scietific Educationl Center (ISEC) and Center for Ecological-Nooshpere Studies (CENS) have signed a trilateral memorandum of understanding to extend the effective and mutually beneficial cooperation and to develop academic and cultural exchange in education, reserach and other areas in the interdisciplinary field of food science and food technologies.
The cooperation will be in the following directions:
- exchange of faculty members
- exchange of students
- exchange of publications
- joint research programs
- joint conferences
- joint teaching projects
- joint cultural programs
The current Memorandum of Understanding is one of the successful cooperation attempts of the ISEC delagation visit to the University of Agriculture in Krakow on April 26, 2019