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Trainings at ISEC NAS RA

May 23, 2014

From May 11-15 and May 19-22, 2014, on the initiative of the QA Department of ISEC NAS RA lecture-seminars were delivered at the Center for the faculty and administrative staff aimed at improving the quality of higher education.
The seminars were delivered by R. Topchyan (Director at National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance) and S. Petrosyan (Expert at National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance).
The following questions were discussed at seminar-trainings.
1. Problems of internal quality assurance activities,
2. Guarantees for professional education quality assurance,
3. Modernization of educational programs in accordance with European and international criteria and standards.
The Seminar-trainings were attended by more than 140 faculty members of ISEC NAS RA.
Such meetings at the Center are aimed at ensuring the quality of the educational process and will have periodic character.