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Support to border-line rural communities. This time the project visited Tavush province

December 13, 2013

It is the fourth year since International Scientific Educational Center 
of NAS RA along with the Student Council “The Youth” and “Dream” troupe has been implementing the project named “Support to border-line rural communities”. The aim of the project is to provide support to the poor families of the border-line villages. The project is implemented once a year, on the eve of the New Year. During the previous years the project was implemented in Noyemberyan region, Vayots Dzor, Gegharkunik province, while this year it has already reached the Chinari and Aygedzor villages of Tavush region. 
This year the project has expanded by involving more families into the project. This year 7 families were selected from each rural community in comparison with 5 ones in the previous year. Prior to visiting the villages, the organizers cooperate with the community’s local authorities and by their support select the target families. According to David Grigoryan, Student Council coordinator of ISEC, the most important things are the geniality and warm attitude towards the border-line dwellers. As he says:”This proceeding is just a little ounce, the major side of it is our attitude towards these needy people. I wish people living in Yerevan were more proactive and could think about the needs of the people who live in the border-line village and are under hostile fire”. David Grigoryan is sure that all the worthwhile initiatives have the followers and supporters and he does hope that this project will be implemented not only once a year. This project might not have been realized and implemented without the continuous and annual support of the Director of ISEC, students, the Fundamental library etc. 
The first visit of the group was to a kindergarten of Chinary village, which is located just in front of the enemy’s foothold where the walls of the building witness the tracks of numerous gun-shots. Shooting has already been a common thing for small children in this area; they have to scorn the enemy to come to kindergarten. 
Children in the kindergarten welcomed us by singing, dancing and declaring poems. Overall there are 25 children in the kindergarten. This number, according to the director of kindergarten Parandzem Avagyan, is decreasing from year to year. She says:”The only thing we want is no shooting, just peace with our children who have their fill and are full. We want nothing but peace”. It should be noted that the troupe “Dream” with its plays managed to keep away a child from the dangers of everyday life. 
The same inspiring welcoming to the group was organized by the children from kindergarten in Aygedzor who are always ready to host visitors in their small but very warm-hearted place. Children here do not need anything except peace and care. Their peace is protected by their fathers and the soldiers of the Armenian army who have conscripted into sacred service, to protect their Motherland. 
The organizers of the project followed by their slogan “When your right hand is doing right things, the left one should be idle” have never proclaimed their undertaking publicly. 
The organizers hope that many more people would join the group and would support the people living in border-line rural communities so that they feel they are not alone at the border. 

RA NAS ISEC “Journalism” Master’s Degree Program graduate Zvart Khachatryan