The Young Orientalists' Council held an annual 39th conference
October 3, 2018
On September 29-30, 2018, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS RA held the annual 39th scientific conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS RA. Researchers, PhD students of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS RA, former and current students of the Chair of Oriental Studies of the ISEC NAS RA, researchers from the Matenadaran, as well as researchers from Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the NAS RA, lecturers, PhD students, undergraduate and graduate students of the HEIs of RA took part in the conference. The results were summed up at the end of the conference. The materials of the conference will be published by the Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS RA in the 14th volume of "Middle East. History, Politics, and Culture "scientific journal (2019).