The week of education quality assurance ended
February 27, 2017
The National Center for professional education quality assurance had announced February 20-24 a week for quality assurance of education. Within the frame of the event, February 20 was dedicated to the discussion of students. On February 21 the concerns of young lecturers were discussed, while on February 22 the professional academic programs and compliance with the national frame of qualifications were referred to.
The 4th conference of quality assurance stakeholders within the frame of quality assurance week was dedicated to the improvement of the assessment system
The two-day conference on “The Quality in the Classroom: Improving the Assessment System” was held at the American University of Armenia on February 23-24. The Dean of the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA, Doctor of Psychology, Professor Naira Hakobyan and Head of the department for Education Quality Assurance Candidate of Philology Narine Vardanyan also took an active part at the conference.
During the event the sides touched upon the existing problems of education quality assurance and the future challenges, as well as presented the objectives and the process of cluster audit. During the workshops the experts and heads of departments discussed the cluster audit criteria.
The leading specialists of the centers for Quality Assurance from Great Britain, Ireland, Switzerland and Russia presented the best practices of education quality assurance of their countries. The representatives of foreign accreditation agencies thoroughly touched upon the legislation regulation of their countries and the legislative consequences regarding the non-accreditation of universities.
During the conference Lilit Zakaryan-the responsible person for the relations with stakeholders of the National Center for Quality Assurance (NCQA) presented the main conducted activities directed to the establishment of the network of quality assurance specialists and supporters. as well as underlined the possibilities to join the network.
“The week for quality assurance served the objectives-the stakeholders of the education sector had an opportunity to get new information, exchange of new experience and views”, noted the director of the National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Rouben Topchyan at the conclusion of the conference summarizing the conferences held on February 20-24 within the frame of the quality assurance week.
Rouben Topchyan is confident that the participants of the open and meaningful discussions of the quality assurance week will go back to their universities filled with new ideas and their implementation will be initiated immediately.