The students of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA) were hosted at the ISEC
February 22, 2022
On February 22 on the initiative of the head of the "Tourism Management" Master's Degree Program of the ISEC of the NAS RA Z. Hayryan, the students of different courses of the "Tourism" specialty of the Armenian National University of Architecture and Construction were hosted in the Center. The purpose of the meeting was to acquaint the students with the activities of the Center and the implemented educational programs.
Z. Hayryan introduced the peculiarities and advantages of the Center's "Tourism Management" master's degree program, the theoretical-practical training methods of the Amadeus program, as well as the wide opportunities for international cooperation with universities of other countries in this field, emphasizing that the educational program includes international standards in tourism. The Head of the Quality Assurance Department of the Center, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor N. Vardanyan also attended the meeting, who greeted the students by giving them the popular scientific journal "In the World of Science" of the NAS RA as a valuable resource of the latest achievements in the field of science.
N. Vardanyan highlighted the frequent organization of such cognitive meetings, the strengthening of close cooperation between students of different universities. The latter conducted an interesting interactive lesson for students on the similarities and differences between public relations and advertising.
The meeting was concluded by students' questions and answers about the field, as well as other educational programs implemented at the Center. The students were inspired by the wide opportunities at the International Scientific-Educational Center of the NAS RA for continuing their postgraduate education and for their comprehensive development.
The Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC of the NAS RA