The lecturers of the Chair of Psychology of the ISEC made their reports at the conference
November 28, 2020
On October 28, an international distance conference entitled "Historical Memory and Modern Political Processes" was held. The conference was organized by Russia's G.V. Yerevan branch of Plekhanov University of Economics, A. Ս. Leningrad State University after Pushkin, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Center for Science and Culture of Yerevan, International Scientific-Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia and Academy of Humanitarian Problems. Historians, political scientists, psychologists, sociologists, economists, anthropologists, scientists-representatives of other disciplines, lecturers, PhD students, as well as representatives of the public administration system from different countries of the world were invited to participate in the conference. The conference was held in the form of thematic discussions on departmental work. The languages were Armenian, Russian and English.
The lecturers of the Chair of Psychology of the ISEC made their reports at the conference.