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The Center promotes the expansion of intercultural communication between Russia and Armenia with its activities

March 2, 2022

The International Scientific-Educational Center of the NAS RA continues to carry out joint studies, mutual lectures, webinars, and other practical work within the framework of an academic-scientific agreement with the Higher Business School of the Southern Federal University of the Russian Federation.

Since September 2021, in cooperation with the Higher School of Business of the Southern Federal University of the Russian Federation, three-month online courses on "Quality management at enterprises of the tourism and hospitality industry", and ''Technologies in tourism-recreational design and development of territories'' have been organized for students of the "Tourism Management" master's degree program as a result of which the participating students had the opportunity to gain up-to-date knowledge in the field of tourism.

The International Scientific-Educational Center of the NAS RA also organized an online course for students of the Higher School of Business of the Southern Federal University of the Russian Federation on "Intercultural Communication", which was conducted by the Head of the Chair of Foreign Languages Dr. Grigoryan.

To contribute to the deepening of intercultural ties between Russia and Armenia, to actively participate in the development of educational programs, as well as to organize effective work in the implementation of the academic mobility program, to show a professional approach the director of the ISEC NAS RA Armen Sargsyan, the chairman of Foreign Languages G. Grigoryan and the head of the Master's Degree Program in Tourism Management Z. Hayryan were awarded letters of thanks, and the students with certificates of participation.

In the second stage of bilateral cooperation, mutual visits of students are planned to the International Scientific-Educational Center of the NAS RA, and the Higher School of Business of the Southern Federal University of the Russian Federation.

Public Relations and Career Department of the ISEC NAS RA