Reporting Within MENVIPRO
October 29, 2019
On 28 October, Arusyak Harutyunyan, Head of Foreign Affairs Department at ISEC NAS RA, presented the report for the first year of the MENVIPRO project to ISEC's administration.
In the course of the meeting the activities carried out within the frames of the project and the outcomes achieved so far have been discussed. It was mentioned that the comparative course analysis of the courses currently taught and to be taught at Department for Environmental Protection and Nature Protection at ISEC NAS RA was carried out comparing the syllabi of these courses against the relevant courses offered by partner universities and other universities through comparing the content of the courses in line with the international criteria. The outcomes of newly developed and modernized 11 courses, which have been compared with the courses offered by the partner European universities, which are Universita Degli Studi Della Tuscia (Italy), National Council of Research (Italy), Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg (Germany), Universidade De Lisboa (Portugal), as well as other leading European universities such as Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands), University of Napoli (Italy), University fo Geneva (Switzerland), University of Oslo (Norway), University of Reading, University College Dublin (Ireland), Newcastle University (UK), Trier University (Germany), Northumbria University (UK). In general, the syllabi of 11 courses currently taught and to be taught at Department for Environmental Protection and Nature Protection at ISEC NAS RA have been compared with the syllabi of 12 leading educational and research institutions against 13 criteria. At the end of each comparative analysis, the lecturer presented the main similarities and differences and made suggestions for improvement.
The SWOT analysis of the environmental protection-related education in Armenia was also presented, which was also carried out against several criteria, which presented the status quo of the environmental protection-related education in Armenia, its stakeholders, available resources and regulatory frameworks.
At the end of the meeting, further courses of actions aimed at improvement were voiced.