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Education and Science Minister Was Introduced Projects Implemented Through Competitive Innovation Fund

On 25 December 2013 the HEIs having been awarded grants through the Competitive Innovation Fund, including the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA, presented their grant projects in the hall of Sarkis and Marie Izmirlian Library of Yerevan State University. Education and Science Minister Armen Ashotyan had an opening speech, where he mentioned that contemporary infrastructures should be set up to have up-to-date HEIs and proper environment and other factors for research, while the students will be able to have education complying with the demands of modern life and labor market. 
“Today is the presentation of first beneficiaries. I would like to outline two conditions we attach value to for the implementation of this project, one is the need for up-to-date HEIs, the other is providing various and diverse funding for Armenian HEIs,” Armen Ashotyan said. 
By the way, the Education and Science Ministry of Armenia aims to modernize and to make the higher education system in Armenia more efficient through the Competitive Innovation Fund.
On the spot the ES Minister walked around the stands and asked questions about the projects. 
In the frames of the Competitive Innovation Fund the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA is implementing ‘Organizing Further Education in Form of Distance Learning at International Scientific-Educational Center’ project, which aims at introducing the distance learning culture at the Academy for the first time and establishing a web conference hall for distance learning.