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New Master’s Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology

May 24, 2012
The Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology of the International   Scientific and Educational Center (ISEC) NAS RA (www.isec.am) welcomes applications from local and foreign students, who wish to enter 2-year Master’s Course in Molecular and Cellular Biology starting from mid September 2012 and headed by the Institute of Molecular Biology NAS RA (www.molbiol.sci.am), where the main courses and practical trainings are delivered. The deadline for submitting application is August 24, 2012. By the end of the study students will receive Master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology certified by the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia according to international standards. The course includes basic lectures delivered by prominent scientists, practical trainings, and research work on Master’s project. Lectures for foreign students are conducted in English.

Course Overview

Modern biology has been revolutionized by developments in molecular and cell biology. New advances in cellular and molecular biology have opened a new age of knowledge and technology, the post genome sequencing era that has become a major driving force in the biomedical science.
The Molecular and Cell Biology Master program is designed to give excellent theoretical and practical training and specialization in contemporary molecular and cellular biology followed by research work on Master’s project. During the course, students will acquire many skills, both discipline-specific and cross-disciplinary and generic. The course is providing individuals with strong backgrounds in molecular genetics, gene and protein engineering, toxico-genomics, nanobiology and nanomedicine, functional genomics, proteomics, cellular immunology, molecular immunology, and bioinformatics.
Student will study the complex mechanisms involved in cell-cell communication, intracellular signal transduction, regulation of gene expression, and immune response to foreign antigens and pathogens, structural organization of cells and their organelles, the control of cell division, and the processes that lead to cell differentiation, oncogenic transformation, cell aging and death. The course also provides basic knowledge on molecular and cellular pathomechanisms of human diseases, including pre-diseased and diseased conditions, disease progression and complications.
During the practical training students will study basic techniques and equipment used in molecular biology and cellular biology, including cell culture technologies, genotyping (SSP-PCR, RT-PCR), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), different types of electrophoretic and blotting techniques used upon studying structure and function of biomolecules, molecular modeling and biostatistics tools, related softwares and databases as well as planning and performing experiment, from methodological design to validation of the scientific results obtained.
For detailed information regarding the program, please contact the head of department, prof. Anna Boyajyan (tel: +37410 281626; e-mail: aboyajyan@sci.am).

Application procedure and rules

The applicants must submit the following documents:
-    copy of higher education diploma with its supplement,
-    extracts from the workbook,
-    copy of passport,
-    3 recent photos (size 3x4 cm).
Where to apply: ISEC, 2nd floor, 24d M. Baghramyan ave., Yerevan, Armenia. The applicant should submit all documents itself.  The entrance-fee, 2000 AMD, is charged from each applicant. Documents are accepted 25th August inclusive. After submitting application the applicant has to pass through interview. Questionnaire can be downloaded here.
Admission fee for Armenian students is 200 000 AMD/year, for foreign students – 500 000 AMD/year.
For more detailed information regarding eligibility criteria, and necessary documents, please contact:
  • Arusyak Harutyunyan, Head of Foreign Affairs Department, ISEC NAS RA; 
tel: +37410 560498; e-mail: fordep@isec.am (for foreign students);
  • Meline Sargsyan, Scientific Secretary, ISEC NAS RA; 
tel: +37410 568032; e-mail: erada@sci.am (for Armenian students).