Presentation of the ISEC NAS RA Successful Exchange Students of the Department of Oriental Studies at the University of Bologna (Italy)
October 8, 2019
On September 30, 2019 exchange students of the " Department of Oriental Studies", ISEC NAS RA Eliza Petrosyan and Nona Chatoyan within the framework of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility programme shortly introduced the history and the departments of UNIBO, presented their learning outcomes and spoke about an unforgettable student life experience during their one-semester studies at the Bologna University.
The University of Bologna (Alma Mater Studiorum-UNIBO, 1088) is located in the north of Italy, in the city of Bologna, and is considered as one of the oldest and most beautiful universities in the world. The University is known for its exciting and vigorous educational environment, student-centered approach, and highly qualified teaching staff. UNIBO is also known for its wide network of facilities, library and documentary services providing support for studies, teaching, research, professional and cultural activities.
The historical heritage of the University of Bologna is Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna which was founded in 1605. The library includes about one and a half million copies of fine art and ancient manuscripts, holds about 250,000 books and 1350 periodicals.
It is notable that in the Department of History and Culturies there is a course ''Armenian Language ansd Culture'' taught by the Associate Professor, researcher Anna Sirinian. Since 2004 Anna Sirinian has been teaching Armenian Culture and Language and Armenian Language and Literature at the University of Bologna for the School of Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage. Another remarkable fact is that the Department of Chemistry is named after Armenian chemist Luigi Giacomo Ciamician (Jamichian Hakob).
While studying in the Department of History and Culture, Eliza Petrosyan and Nona Chatoyan took three courses which they have successfully completed. They are ''Intellectual History of Colonial and Post-Colonial South Asia'' , ''Ethical Issues and Social Change'' and ''English language''.
It should be noted that ISEC NAS RA exchange students of the Department of Oriental Studies have demonstarted excellent educational results and returned to their homeland with great enthusiasm and readiness to transfer their experience and knowledge to other students wishing to study at UNIBO within the Erasmus + International Credit Mobility Program.