Pre-Defence of Master’s Thesis Launched on Distance Learning Platform of ISEC NAS RA
April 23, 2020
The pre-defense of master's theses of the 2-nd year students has already launched on the distance learning platform of ISEC NAS RA. The pre-defense of the theses of the second-year students at Department for Environmental Protection and Nature Management of ISEC took place on 23 April 2020. It was noteworthy that all the works presented by the students of the department were experimental, innovative and practical in nature addressing various environmental issues of the Republic of Armenia. All the master students presented their research work and answered the questions during the active discussions.
During the pre-defense of their master theses, it was especially emphasized that the works are already being published in scientific journals, which is a very important achievement in the field of research-based education and their first step towards science.