Participation in Round Table discussion on tax and customs privileges and the application of the Law on Procurement in Armenian universities implementing EU-funded projects
April 25, 2019
On April 19, National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia (NEO) organised a round table discussion on tax and customs privileges and the application of the Law on Procurement in Armenian universities implementing EU-funded projects. The event was held at Yerevan V. Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (YSULS) and attended by the representatives of 13 state, private and transnational higher educational institutions implementing EU funded Erasmus+ projects, the RA Ministry of Economy and the RA Ministry of Finance, Delegation of the EU to Armenia, as well as the “National Center for Public Policy Research” NGO. The purpose of the discussion was to get clarifications from national and EU bodies on the issues of taxation and public procurement that arise during implementation of EU funded Erasmus+ projects. The participants in this event was also the Armenian Coordinator of the "Modernization of Environment Protection Studies Programmes for Armenia And Georgia" (MENVIPRO) project Gevorg Tepanosyan. In order to radically modernize the MSc. education in EP – technology-intensive domain of knowledge, the project will establish a unique inter-University education and research facility, which will be used for student projects, collaborative projects with external stakeholders and demonstration activities to reinforce links to the University environment and promote environment-friendly mindsets. The ERLEP will represent one of the major tangible outcomes of the project and will define the quality standards of postgraduate studies in the field of EP for many years. Moreover, the ERLEP will provide the access to a modern laboratory infrastructure and enable various projects between Universities and external stakeholders and the participation in this event was an important step in the smooth project implementation.