Online Monitoring of MENVIPRO Project by National Erasmus+ Office
May 6, 2021
The online monitoring of ERASMUS+ MENVIPRO capacity building project was conducted by National Erasmus+ Office of Armenia (NEO) on 4 May 2021.
NEO Armenia Coordinator Lana Karlova and Programme Officer Ani Torosyan, and the coordination team of ISEC and CENS, the coordination team of Gavar State University, as well as ISEC academic staff were present at the meeting.
CENS Director, Head of ISEC "Department for Environmental Protection and Nature Management" Dr. Lilit Sahakyan presented the progress of the project and it challenges conditioned with COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the following was presented: procurement and replenishment of ERLEP Lab, the works conducted with internal and external stakeholders, research internships held at ERLEP, the process of syllabi development, the successful collaboration between MENVIPRO and ABioNet Eramsus+ capacity building projects, research internships of ISEC students at different external stakeholders - "Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center" SNCO of ME of RA, Republican Veterinary and Phytosanitary Laboratory Services Center SNCO (Food Safety Inspection Body of Government of the Republic of Armenia), Geomatics Center of Cadastre Committee and Environmental Department of Yerevan Municipality Staff.
Arusyak Harutyunyan, Head of Foreign Affairs Department of ISEC NAS RA, presented the work to be done within the framework of the project coverage and dissemination.
NEO Armenia Coordinator Lana Karlova made a reflection on the activities performed within the framework of MENVIPRO project, as well as made a number of recommendations aimed at the general improvement of the project.