"Considering the need to address current issues in the field of education, I decided to pursue a career in education management," Haykuhi Safaryan, an ISEC graduate.
November 22, 2023
Haykuhi Safaryan is a graduate of the Мaster's program in "Educational Management" of International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA, who currently works as a history teacher at Yerevan High School of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia.
"Since I work in the field of education, I was able to put into practice the theoretical knowledge I gained at the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA during my studies," Haykuhi stated.
The need to find solutions to the problems that currently face the education sector led Haykuhi to choose the field of education management, and she has her own formula for solving them. Meanwhile, the choice of ISEC is due to the compliance of the curriculum with the requirements of the labor market, which helps graduates advance in their careers.
According to Haykuhi, "Currently the Armenian education sector needs competent leaders who can apply innovative solutions to solve problems that arise in various situations in the management process."
Speaking of the ISEC's accomplishments, Haykuhi highlighted the accumulated wealth of knowledge and experience, which had allowed each student to gain management skills that were solidified in real-world application during professional practice.
"The lessons of the courses "Ensuring the Quality of Education" and "Media Education", which were presented in a meaningful and interesting way, impressed me the most during my studies at the ISEC," said Haykuhi.
"If we summarize the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of education, then proper planning, implementation, evaluation, and continuous improvement in the management process are necessary to ensure the quality of education," encouraged Haykuhi to future specialists in the field.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA