Discussion of Annual Work Plans of the Departments of the ISEC NAS RA
January 29, 2025
On January 29 of this year, a working meeting was held at the International Scientific-Educational Center of the NAS RA to discuss the annual work plans of the units for 2025. The Director of the Center, Deputy Directors, Academic Secretary, Dean, and heads of all departments were present. The discussion focused on assessing the compliance of the submitted plans with the strategic plan of the Center and the improvement plan. The discussion meeting was preceded by a preliminary assessment of the plans, organized by the Department of Education Quality Assurance of the ISEC. The discussion of the plans took place primarily around these observations, then turned on the observations of those present around each others' plans and the final assessment given to them by Director Armen Sargsyan.
The heads of departments were given time to finalize their annual work plans, taking into account the results of the discussion.
The final versions of the annual work plans of the ISEC departments will be submitted for approval at the next meeting of the Scientific Council of the International Scientific-Educational Center of the NAS RA.
ISEC NAS RA Department of Public Relations and Career