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A Series of Lectures by Italian Colleagues at the ISEC NAS RA

November 15, 2024

From November 11-15 within the framework the Erasmus+ ICM program the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA hosted three professors from the University of Naples Federico II. During the visit, Italian colleagues delivered a series of interactive lectures on tourism and psychology:

The topics of the five-day lectures were:

1. Fabio Corbisiero

"Sociology of Tourism. Infrastructure and Methodology",

"Italian Tourism: the Case of Naples"

2. Salvatore Monaco

"Inclusive Tourism: Principles of Sustainable Tourism",

"Digital Innovations in Tourism"

3. Anna Lisa Amodeo

"Tourism and Psychology. Motivation and Well-being",

"Cultural tourism, Well-being and Quality of Life".

The lectures were attended by the ISEC students and academic staff from the Departments of "Economics and Management" and "Psychology". The attendees of the lectures got acquainted with the experience of the Italian professors with great interest and gratitude, assessing the format of exchange visits as effective for the comprehensive development and formation of a qualified specialist, corresponding to modern international standards.


ISEC NAS RA Department of Public Relations and Career