New Year Message of Armen Sargsyan, Director of the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA
December 30, 2021
Fellow compatriots!
I congratulate you on the occasion of the New Year and Christmas on behalf of the ISEC NAS RA's management and workforce. We must be able to attain that aim jointly, being convinced that there is no alternative to the ongoing and constant growth of education and science in the formation and strengthening of our country's economy. We must acknowledge that the job of a teacher, lecturer, or scientist is one of the most important foundations in ensuring the future existence of a great Armenia. The effort done by these people should be acknowledged, for example, to serve our young people, encouraging them to develop for the good of our country.
In summarizing the previous year, we can say that the Center made significant progress in terms of infrastructure development, educational program modernization, and the growth of collaboration links, as well as new projects.
The academic staff members have excelled in local and worldwide scientific-educational platforms, engaging in a variety of trainings, conferences, and seminars, as well as publishing excellent works in local and international magazines.
The ISEC will continue to teach, inspire, and encourage our brilliant young people's high ideals, as well as build and grow the infrastructure and atmosphere in which the student may continue to deepen his knowledge and experience with joy and commitment.
Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year! I wish our nation and families’ peace and progress, as well as health, happiness, and achievement of goals.
Armen Sargsyan
Director of the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA