New memorandum of cooperation between the ISEC and the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia
March 3, 2022
On March 3, 2022, on the initiative of L. Adamyan, Head of the Public Relations and Career Department a memorandum of cooperation was signed between A. Sargsyan, Director of the International Scientific-Educational Center of the NAS RA, and G. Sargsyan the President of the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia for the purpose of establishing and strengthening a permanent connection among the Center’s students, graduates, and employers.
The meeting covered the topics on the development of local and international labor market, the rapid integration of youngsters in the labor market, the development of certain work experience in the learning process, the establishment of institutional ties between the Center and the Union.
A. Sargsyan, Director of the ISEC NAS RA, introduced the activities carried out in the Center on the issues of recruitment of students and graduates and stressed the importance of organizing the exchange of best practices in this field with the Union and close cooperation with employers.
G. Makaryan, President of RUEA, emphasized that being an influential organization representing economic, labor, and social issues in Armenia, involving about 14,000 member companies from all branches of the Armenian economy in Armenia, the organization has a strong potential to promote relations with employers, support the Center in terms of internships and employment within the framework of close cooperation with the employers who are members of the Union, as well as to involve the students of the Center in the analytical-research and other scientific-educational activities of the Union.
L. Adamyan, Head of the Public Relations and Career Department of the ISEC NAS RA, noted that considering the existence of various subdivisions, postgraduate and master's programs implemented in the Center, as well as the role of RUEA as a structure representing the common voice of employers, it is essential to develop and improve the practical application of the cooperation for the purpose of improving educational programs in accordance with the modern requirements of the labor market and for practical use.
At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed on the implementation of joint educational projects, the development of courses, creating opportunities for students to include research topics based on labor market requirements in their master's theses in the nearest future.
Public Relations and Career Department of the ISEC NAS RA