A New Мemorandum of Understanding for development of joint distance learning programs
December 22, 2022
As a university with leading experience in the field of distance learning, the RA NAS International Scientific and Educational Center has signed a new Мemorandum of Understanding with the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, one of the best universities in Europe with distance learning, aimed at implementation of virtual exchange and development of joint distance learning education programs.
UNINETTUNO runs distance learning education programs, providing bachelor's, master's and postgraduate degrees recognized throughout Europe. Adhering to its mission of providing quality education at various levels, the university also offers ambitious educational initiatives, vocational training courses and career counseling to help meet the educational needs of learners.
At UNINETTUNO, outstanding scientists and professors from the world's leading universities deliver courses on real and virtual platforms in Greek, Italian, Arabic, English and French.
Thanks to UNINETUNO's flexible distance learning system, you can study at the university from wherever you are without space and time limitations.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA