New Cooperation and New Opportunities for the ISEC NAS RA
March 25, 2021
"ID Bank" Closed Joint-Stock Company and International Scientific-Educational Center of the RA National Academy of Sciences emphasizing the role of partnership and cooperation in the field of student education and specialization and, therefore, their further practical application at the business level, signed a memorandum of understanding as to which the parties agreed:
- In the process of developing and implementing educational programs, ISEC alongside with its specialists, attracts experienced employees and members from ID Bank based on advisiability,
- ISEC includes relevant specialists nominated by "ID Bank" in the final attestation commissions by mutual agreement.
- Educational and research internships for students in the educational program can be organized and carried out in "ID Bank" in case of referral from the Center.
- The parties jointly organize and conduct open lessons, seminars and professional discussions.
- "ID Bank" organizes meetings for students with successful businessmen in various business areas to share their beat practices and personal experiences with students.
- "ID Bank" according to advisiability and at its own discretion provides the best students with employment, independently or with the support of partners.