Monitoring Visit by NEO Armenia at ISEC
December 5, 2019
The monitoring of the ERASMUS+ MENVIPRO project was conducted by the National Erasmus+ Office of Armenia (NEO) at Department of Environmental Protection and Nature Management of ISEC NAS RA located at CENS on 29 November 2019.
The Coordinator of NEO Armenia Lana Karlova and Programme Officer Ani Torosyan, and the coordination team of ISEC and CENS, Arsen Aproyan - GSU Vice-Rector, Manager of GSU International Programmes, as well as ISEC academic staff were present at the meeting.
The MENVIPRO Local Coordinator Gevorg Tepanosyan briefly presented the performed activities, their results and envisaged operations the main outcomes of the project being the comparative analyses of the modernized/newly developed courses, the SWOT analysis of the environmental protection education in Armenia, as well as the acquisition of the electronic microscope within the frames the ERLEP, a unique inter-University education and research facility, which will be used for student projects, collaborative projects with external stakeholders and demonstration activities to reinforce links to the University environment and promote environment-friendly mindsets.
Then the participants of the monitoring visit had a visit to the newly established Virtual Conference Room and lab facilities, as well as had an opportunity to speak individually to the academic staff involved in the project.
The Coordinator of the NEO of Armenia Lana Karlova made a reflection on the activities performed within the framework of the MENVIPRO project and attended to the opinions and suggestions voiced during the monitoring visit, as well as made a number of recommendations aimed at the general improvement of the project.