MENVIRPO: Discussions in Progress
October 9, 2019
Within the frames of "Modernization of Environment Protection Studies Programmes for Armenia and Georgia" (MENVIPRO) 598232-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Erasmus+ capacity building project, the discussions of the ongoing activities of the project are in progress, as well as the activities to be carried out in the upcoming year are discussed and planned. We are speaking about the largest event to be held in 2020, "Environmental Science Education For Sustainable Human Health" summer school to be hosted by Department for Environmental Protection and Nature Management of ISEC NAS RA. The parties discussed the scopes of themes to be covered in the summer school, the ration of theoretical and practical parts, the schedule of the summer school, its stakeholders and scope of participants.
Project Coordinator Nicolo Merendino also presented the quality criteria for the project performance, which the participants should strictly adhere to in the entire course of the project implementation. The participants also discussed the initial draft of the ERLEP access. The discussions were followed with a number of professional lectures at the University of Georgia dedicated to waste management technologies, environmental microbiology, GIS and remote sensing technologies.