MENVIPRO Summer School: Day Two
September 8, 2021
September 7 was the second day of the summer school held within the frameworks of MENVIPRO project, which was entirely devoted to the discussion of professional courses and matters. Thus Dr. Silvia Portarena from CNR presented "Environmental Statistics" course, which is essential to the field of environmental sciences to interpret and analyze both theoretical and experimental data. The applications of statistical methods to environmental sciences are numerous and varied: i.e. climate models, pollution analyses, ecological sampling and data. The first part of the course will familiarize students with basic statistical methods for the univariate and multivariate data analysis. The second part will present some selected statistical approaches to different topics of interest in the field of environment. The knowledge of statistical methods will give the instruments to extract relevant information and to guide decision processes.
Then Dr. Olga Belyaeva presented "Environmental Monitoring and Measurement Devices" Course, which aims to develop students' knowledge about modern environmental monitoring programs, its significance, control system and methods, familiarize with some field and laboratory devices and develop the ability to assess environmental pollution levels in field and laboratory conditions. Course will help to develop students' knowledge about environmental monitoring as a necessary system for obtaining reliable information for solution of the most important ecological problems, as well as main environmental compartments, peculiarities of their monitoring, and basic controlled processes, develop students’ skills and abilities to select the sampling method, design a sampling plan, get accounted some in situ measurements and so on.
The last speaker of the second day was Dr. Gayane Nersisyan, who presented “Urban Ecology” course, which aims to provide the participants with current and practical knowledge on urban ecology, including ecological and social aspects. It aims at providing an integrated approach on urban socio-ecological systems.