Meeting of students with Proto-Archimandrite Zakaria Baghumyan on the challenges of war and peace
November 29, 2022
Оn November 28, at the initiative of the Student Council of the International Scientific-Educational Center of the NAS RA and with the support of the Public Relations and Career Department, a meeting on the challenges of war and peace was held in the Center with the Head of the Christian Education Center of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Proto-Archimandrite Zakaria Baghumyan.
Proto-Archimandrite Zakaria Baghumyan touched upon war and peace both in the context of spiritual and personal life, introducing more than 25 semantic synonyms of the word "peace" found in Bible scriptures. Proto-Archimandrite Zakaria Baghumyan also commented on the word "war", which is used in the New Testament in two senses, the first is eschatological, that is, Christ will defeat the devil, and secondly, as a conflict between people.
The Holy Father also referred to the 44-day war, noting that it is necessary to be able to accept defeat with dignity, correct the mistakes and achieve sustaining peace with military power.
Henrik Jamalyan, Chairman of the Center's Student Council, 1st-year Master's student of the Department of Oriental Studies, highlighted the necessity of constant meetings in this format, which are targeted and aimed at strengthening the national and universal value system of the young generation.
Lilit Adamyan, Head of the Public Relations and Career Department, emphasized that such meetings are aimed at protecting traditional values from alien expansion, which has recently invaded our society so actively, thus contributing to the preservation of the Armenian identity.
The meeting was concluded with an active question-and-answer session of the participants on the challenges of spiritual and national values.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA