Meeting of the directorate with the heads of chairs
March 23, 2022
On March 23rd, 2022, a regular remote meeting took place between the directorate and heads of chairs of the ISEC NAS RA.
Director A․ Sargsyan gave importance to the regular meetings of the heads of chairs in terms of information exchange and identification of the needs of the chairs, as well as presented the process of institutional accreditation of the ISEC NAS RA by the National Center for quality assurance.
Dean A. Mkhitaryan in his speech referred to the wide opportunities to use the scholarship within the framework of the "Leadership Development Program" provided to students by the "Teach for Armenia" educational foundation.
Head of Public Relations and Career Department L. Adamyan discussed with the heads of the chairs the effective ways of joint cooperation for involving the students in the events more. L. Adamyan also attached great importance to reflect on the strengths of the chairs and the success stories of many students for participation in the upcoming "Education and Career Expo-2022" international specialized exhibition.
Head of IT department A. Yeghoyan informed about the new video guides on using the Moodle remote platform and the training course for lecturers scheduled for May-July, which will increase their credits according to the order of raising the qualification of the tutorial staff of the ISEC NAS RA.
The meeting ended with suggestions for effective solutions to a number of issues raised by the heads of chairs.
Public Relations and Career Department of the ISEC NAS RA