Launch of New Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Project
July 14, 2017
On 11 July the kick-off meeting and discussion of the new Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project with Universite Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, France, was held at the Presidium of NAS RA headed by Vice President of NAS RA Yuri Shuquryan. In the new Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project for 2017-2019 the French University of Armenia is a new consortium member, besides the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA and the Institute of Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA. During the meeting, the project activities were discussed to provide smoother and more successful progress of the project, particularly the following activities were agreed upon:
- To advertise and distribute the call for candidatures for Master students
- To finalize the project program for the selection of Master students
- To harmonize the Master curricula during VC meeting beginning of September
- To identify the topics of master classes within the CSIT
- To support the visit of 2 MS students to Toulouse at the beginning of September
- To define a communication policy with the collaboration of Erasmus office in Armenia
- To prepare the print copy of the newsletter
- To prepare the agenda of the workshop organize by the international virtual laboratory in conjunction with CSIT
- To study the possible involvement of IIAP in UFAR curricula on Informatique and research activities.