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Another New Computer Lab Opened at International Scientific - Educational Center

July 4, 2012

The RA NAS International Scientific - Educational Center had a wonderful occasion to gather its own Master students. They visited International Scientific-Educational Center to take part in the official opening ceremony of the new computer lab developed by the VivaCell-MTS. From now on, 10 computers will be equipped with internet provided by the VivaCell-MTS thanks to the company's donation of 3G Home-Zone router. Another corner functioning with the Wi-Fi package has been created at the conference hall of Scientific - Educational Center. The IT lab was also provided with an interactive blackboard. VivaCell-MTS has totally made an investment of 3.5 million in the Scientific-Educational Center.
  The participants noted that Wi-Fi corners and computer labs in higher educational institutions give students and teaching staff an opportunity to support lessons with modern technical facilities. 
The computer lab and Wi-Fi corners will let different “wireless” users to enjoy the wide range of opportunities provided by VivaCell-MTS.
  “Overseas Wi-Fi is considered to be the primary means of Internet communication and the essential condition for making educational resources compatible with terms of technology. That is the reason that VivaCell-MTS continues to support the universities with wide use of Wi-Fi technology in educational sector” – noted the executive manager of VivaCell MTS Ralf Yirikian.
  President of the National Academy of Sciences Radik Martirosyan said that today there are some difficulties in the field of science and education which are conditioned with the lack of technologies that are necessary. “Such supports are necessary and very appropriate”,-added Radik Martirosyan. 
  The introduction of modern technology in the International Scientific-Educational Center will help students to discover their potential deepening not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge”,- said RA NAS International Scientific - Educational Center Director Albert Sargsyan. 
  According to International Scientific-Educational Center Student Council’s president Armen Vardanyan’s speech, modern technologies will contribute to students’ life to become easier, more interesting, meaningful, and to increase the quality of education.