ISEC’s Lecturer Meline Beglaryan Took Part in International Course on Food Safety and Technology
November 1, 2018
Meline Beglaryan, head of the expert group of the Food Chain Risk Assessment Center of the NAS RA and a lecturer of the Department of Environmental Protection and Nature Management, received a grant from the Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV). On 7-26 October in the city of Rehovot, Israel she participated in the "Future: International Food Safety and Technology in Times of Global Change" post graduate course. The latter was organized by MASHAV (Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation), SCP (Singapore Cooperation Program), and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The International School of Agricultural Sciences).Representatives of 20 different countries from several continents of the world were selected to take part in the course. During the training there were presented and discussed food safety management systems, food chemical research, food packing, meat and bakery products, grain processing, as well as topics for accrediting testing laboratories processes. In addition, SCP discussed the specifications of the implementation of the research laboratory in Singapore's food safety system. At the end of the training, the participants presented their team research projects. M. Beglaryan presented the IMAGU team (team members from India, Moldova, Ukraine and Guatemala) research project which was referred to microbial contamination of sausage products. The training participants also were present in their national costumes.