Scientific report of the Deputy Director on Research Affairs of ISEC at the international conference
April 3, 2023
At the international scientific conference "New Perspectives in Science Education", held on March 16-17 in Florence, Italy, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director on Research Affairs of International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA Naira Hakobyan made a report, presenting the provisions of the scientific topic (under the code 21T-5A311) of the Committee on Science of the RA "The problem of crisis and the anomy of the value system of the individual in the post-war period and the methodology of overcoming it".
The report, in particular, emphasized the methodological approach of sustainable education, considering it as a means of retreating public welfare, destructiveness, overcoming various socio-psychological barriers and phenomena characteristic of social anomie in modern societies.
The conference participants noted the importance of all those scientific studies that greatly contribute to social well-being, overcoming the phenomena inherent in social anomie, and finding ways to extinguish its negative potential.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA