International Conference on "Basic and Applied Scientific Researches: Current Issues and Achievements"
June 1, 2022
On May 31, 2022, an international conference on "Basic and Applied Scientific Researches: Current Issues and Achievements" took place at the International Scientific-Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia.
The opening speech was made by the ISEC NAS RA director Armen Sargsyan, who greeted the participants and thanked for their great interest in the conference and active participation. A. Sargsyan noted that the Center had always supported and would continue to support such kind scientific events, aimed to stimulate the interest in science, and to value the work and reputation of a scientist and researcher.
Academician-Secretary of NAS RA, Arthur Ishkhanyan made a welcoming speech, emphasizing the necessity to continuously organize such events, which should also be aimed at increasing the number of scientific studies in leading international journals and internationalizing current research.
Meri Sargsyan, Scientific Secretary of the ISEC NAS RA, emphasized that today, more than ever, highly qualified specialists are needed, who should not only master advanced knowledge of science development and innovative research methods, but are also able to integrate the scientific results in production processes; and in this context the conferences have an invaluable contribution.
Naira Hakobyan, Deputy Director for Scientific Research Affairs of ISEC NAS RA noted that in order to meet current challenges, it is vastly important to actively involve young specialists in scientific researches, carry out joint researches and implement the outcomes in various fields.
The conference brought together researchers, scientists, academics, professors, postgraduate students, masters from the scientific institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of RA and scientific centers, as well as leading higher educational institutions and scientific-educational centers from Armenia and abroad (Russia, USA).
The conference was organized in separate thematic fields, according to academic departments of philology, pharmacology, ecology, law, psychology, pedagogy, economics. The participants made reports on the achievements and issues made in the basic-applied researches.
It is noteworthy that in the run-up to the conference, a 580-page collection of scientific articles summarizing the reports has already been published, where you can get acquainted with the extended versions of the conference papers on various disciplines.
The annual international conference, which has already become a tradition, was successful. The audience thanked for the interesting content discussions during the conference.
The Public Relations and Career Department of the ISEC NAS RA