February 3, 2022
On February 3, with the initiative of Atom Mkhitaryan, Dean of the ISEC NAS RA, a regular online meeting was organized with the heads of student self-government bodies and seniors of different courses. The meeting was aimed to solve the problems arising in the educational process of students, strengthening the student-administration relationship. Head of IT department A. Yeghoyan presented the problems that arose during the students' participation in distance learning courses, the mechanisms and tools for their solution.
The Dean of the ISEC Atom Mkhitaryan referred to the international conference to be held at the ISEC in May, 2022, which will be an excellent platform for students to present their research work for their further postgraduate studies. During the meeting, reference was also made to the "Invest Your Talent in Italy" program, which enables undergraduate students of higher educational institutes of RA to receive scholarships and other financial support for studying in Italy.
The chairmen of the Students’ Scientific Society (SSS) and Student Council (SC) in their turn, presented the work done by the student self-government bodies during this period, the membership procedure, as well as the future expectations from the newly enrolled students.
The meeting was concluded with a discussion of upcoming programs, as well as the continuation of close cooperation between the Dean's Office, the Public Relations and Career Department and the students.
Public Relations and Career Department