"Library education at ISEC is based on practical foundations" - Maya Grigoryan, a graduate student of ISEC NAS RA
November 24, 2022
Maya Grigoryan, a PhD student of the International Scientific-Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, was appointed as a director of the Fundamental Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of RA. Herein we spoke with M.Grigoryan about the opportunities provided by ISEC education programs and its significant role in her success.
- Why did you choose to study at the International Scientific-Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, particularly, in the specialty "Library-Information Resources"?
- When I decided to apply to ISEC NAS RA, I have already been working as the head of the department of Bibliography and Library Science of the RA National Library of Armenia and had 15 years of work experience. As I have got a qualification of a philologist, it was not difficult for me to enter the library world and master its main functions, but years of work experience have also come to prove that library science is a separate and original field; only philological knowledge is not enough to master the peculiarities of the field. Hence, I made up my mind to get professional education.
In the Republic of Armenia, the education program in "Library and Information Resources" specialty is carried out by the Armenian State Pedagogical University named after Kh. Abovyan and the ISEC NAS RA. After studying the education programs of both universities, it became obvious to me that the Master’s education program of ISEC NAS RA is practically more applicable in the library. I was particularly attracted by the fact that at the Centre theoretical and practical parts are intertwined, which means when the student completes a Master's course, he is already well prepared for librarianship.
The choice of profession was not randomly made. As a philologist, I really recognize the value of books and literature, and the years spent in the library inspired me to love books, to examine them from the point of view of printing art, to be engaged with the issues of preservation of print heritage, etc. Vocational education served as a wonderful platform for strengthening current achievements and mastering innovation skills.
- What impressed you most of all during your years of study at ISEC?
- First of all, I was impressed by the Master's education program, which fully provided the vision that is being presented to libraries today. Libraries have long been faced with the challenge of embracing technological innovation and transforming traditional functions, hence libraries with properly trained professionals can definitely meet the challenges.
Library education at ISEC NAS RA is based on practical foundations. New methods are applied, the educational program is expanded, which includes both the software solutions necessary for libraries and more or less new concepts for the library industry, such as library marketing.
And most importantly, over the years of study, I have made new friends who are still working in different libraries and warm relationship is maintained to this day. I think this was my most important achievement over the years.
- To what extent has the education you received at ISEC contributed to your professional growth?
- The decision to study at ISEC NAS RA was a lucky chance for me, because these years provided me the opportunity to develop the skills I had already acquired, to learn international experience and become a participant of its adaptation process, to recognize the latest requirements for libraries, etc. I do believe that these years were crucial for developing and practicing professionalism. It's one thing to work in a library and acquire skills while working, and it's another thing to get a high-quality professional education and put into practice. It's great to realize that you have gained knowledge that can bring to the library industry reforming to some extent. I think the two-year master's program changed my vision of librarianship in general and allowed me to approach my work in a different way.
- In your opinion, what qualities are necessary to achieve success at work?
- I think there can be many and diverse qualities, but I will single out three in particular: the ability to think, diligence and responsibility. The presence of these three important qualities will enable anyone to achieve success. Personal experience proves that the combination of these three qualities helps to overcome all the obstacles. It is very important to be able to accept any change and have courage in facing difficulties. Each new thought or a new idea seems insurmountable only at the beginning, but by combining knowledge, diligence and responsibility, it becomes possible to successfully deal with any problem.
- What was the biggest achievement during your academic years at ISEC?
- I will single out two important achievements. The first one was a Master's thesis devoted to modern standards of bibliographic composition. I was able to present a modern cycle of bibliography that had not been done before, while all the libraries need unified standards of bibliographic description. In the thesis, I highlighted the main points, which made it possible to get deeper into the research. I suppose, a working group will be formed in the near future, which will undertake development of existing provisions. The second important achievement is my fellow students. ISEC NAS RA is distinguished by its education programs, high-quality education, and most importantly, it serves as a platform to make new acquaintances and establish new relationships. I define the years of study not only as years of professional growth, but also as years of making new friends, colleagues, and new relationships.
- As an ISEC graduate student, what would you recommend to the ISEC students?
- Every student should realize the value of his learning, and make efforts to meet his own expectations. I would definitely recommend to use every second to get and absorb everything the Center provides. They should be alert, willing, creative and hardworking by sharing one’s own responsibility, as well as they should to express willingness and use all the opportunities offered. The lecturers of the Center are very helpful and manifest a friendship with every student, ready to support any idea. It means that it is necessary to take a full advantage of everything and get the most out of your study time. I think the key to success lies in the student-teacher relationship, the foundations of which have long been laid at the Center.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA