Expected Visit to Center for Ecological Noosphere Studies of NAS RA
February 1, 2020
Today the Department for Environmental Protection and Nature Protection of ISEC NAS RA located at the Center for Ecological Noosphere Studies of NAS RA hosted the ISEC administration headed by ISEC Director Dr. Prof. Albert Sargsyan and Erasmus+ National Office representative. The aims of the visit were several: to get acquainted with the outcomes and achievements of one-year functioning of "Modernization of Environment Protection Studies Programmes for Armenia and Georgia" (MENVIPRO) Erasmus+ capacity building project, to take part in the official opening of videoconferencing hall established within the frames of the project, as well as to learn more about the with the functions of the new Benchtop Scanning Electron Microscope JCM-7000 Series. Under the guidance of Acting Director of Center for Ecological Noosphere Studies of NAS RA, Head of Department for Environmental Protection and Nature Protection of ISEC NAS RA Lilit Sahakyan, the participants, first of all, visited Hall named after Professor Armen Saghatelyan, where they discussed the successful collaboration history of both establishments, then MENVIPRO local coordinator Gevorg Tepanosyan presented the projects activities taken place within one year of the project lifetime and its achivements for the CENS staff, ISEC academic staff and students. Erasmus+ National Office Programme Officer Edith Soghomonyan also had a welcome speech where she emphasized the importance of organizing such events and implementing MENVIPRO project in the context of quality education.
The next stop was at newly-established videoconferencing hall where the participants were greeted by Academic Coordinator of MENVIPRO project Prof. Nicolò Merendino and Administrative Coordinator Angela Fattoretti. In his speech, Professor Nicolò Merendino valued the establishment of such a videoconferencing hall at the department, which will only facilitate the promotion of educational and research collaboration through organizing online lectures and conferences.
At the end of the visit, ISEC graduate, researcher of Environmental Geochemistry Department at CENS Nairuhi Maghaqyan in practice showed the functions of the SEM obtained within MENVIPRO project.