Establishing a Research University in the Context of Educational Reform
November 12, 2019
On November 6 the issue of financing of science was discussed in the RA National Assembly. The discussion was attended by industry representatives and professionals from both Armenia and abroad (online connection). The issues and proposals raised were numerous, but let's address one of them, the proposal of Gevorg Avetikyan, International Program Officer at St. Petersburg European University. G. Avetikyan proposes to establish a research university in Armenia without a bachelor's degree (master's and doctoral), which will promote the integration of education and science, which in turn will promote the development of the educational system in Armenia.
There is such a university in our reality. It is the International Scientific-Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences, which in addition to postgraduate education, has been implementing graduate education programs since 2004 with about 30 specializations. The organization of master's degree programs in the center was not an end in itself. It aims to accelerate the transition from education to scientific activity, which is greatly facilitated by the fact that the Centers' professional chairs are placed in the appropriate scientific research organizations of the system where current scientists teach. Preparation of specialitsts in such an environment allows masters to integrate into the scientific community as quickly as possible and to acquire scientific thinking. These steps to bring education and science closer to the academic system rejuvenate the academic staff. Many of the specialists who have completed Masters and Postgraduate courses at ISEC today hold senior positions in the Government, National Assembly and various sectors of the economy.
The center is, in fact, a prototype of the research university in Armenian reality. In fact, serious financial resources and state investment are needed for the creation and development of a research university, whereas today ISEC is a self-funded institution (International Scientific-Educational Center receives 11 million AMD annually from the state budget, but returns more taxes to the state budget. over 70 million AMD). You can read more about the parallels between the Center and the Research University in the 4th issue of the 2018 issue of “World of Science” scientific journal of the NAS RA at this link.