Education and Career Expo 2018
April 19, 2018
Educational and Career Expo 2018 the 18-th international specialized exhibition was arranged in "Yerevan EXPO Exhibition Complex" took place on the 11-13 of April. ISEC of RA took part in this traditional and important arrangement with pithy programs and enterprise attaching importance for the progress in educational sphere in our country. The progress of the center and chances of international interrelations were introduced there within 20 years. The teamwork on Distant Learning Masters Education was realized in cooperation with ISEC with the Academy of State Management of RA and was thoroughly introduced. The team-work between NAS of RA post graduate students and applicants of the Institute of Informatics was introduced there, that is, the innovatory equipment for the identification and recognition of enemies’ units with the help of this device. This equipment can do mathematical calculations, which immediately passes the necessary information about the enemies’ units. It is remarkable that during these important days Paulina Polcoy, the head of the Department of "Crisis and Security Management" at Dobrowa Gurnicha University in Poland who was an honorable guest at EXPO ISEC NAS of RA.