A two-day training course on "Ancient and Modern Armenian Language" was completed
September 22, 2022
On September 19 and 20, the Department of Linguistics of International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA hosted Hrach Martirosyan, Ph.D., an Armenologist and a research worker of Leiden University. The Armenian expert conducted a two-day intensive course on "Ancient and Modern Armenian Language". Along with the graduate students of the Department and representatives of the teaching staff, students, post-graduate students, professors, young researchers, teachers from other scientific and educational institutions had also the opportunity to take part in the training.
The thematic basis of the 5 hour a day training covered the entire history of the Armenian language from Indo-European origins to Armenian ancient and literary languages as well as dialects. Particular attention was also paid to dialectal and linguistic-cultural features of Artsakh and Syunik, especially the natural environment, proper names, mythology and beliefs, material culture, particularly carpet weaving.
The training course was aimed at thorough presentation of the origin and historical development of the Armenian language and culture; the tools and methods of Armenian studies; the eternal process and logic of linguistic changes, the understanding of the phonetic law; the multi-layered realities of language and culture, the means of distinguishing between scientific and pseudo-scientific propositions; the linguistic, cultural and chronological characteristics of the historical presence of the Armenian language in the Armenian Highlands (especially in Artsakh and Syunik); modern linguistic challenges, etc.
Mary Sargsyan, the Head of the Department of Linguistics of ISEC NAS RA, particularly noted that in these tough times such a course in Armenian studies contributed pushed the listeners to return to our roots, to be filled with endurance, to be imbued with patriotism and love towards Armenian language. M. Sargsyan also added that this event further strengthened the cooperative links with Hrach Martirosyan, expressed her gratitude for his patriotic and selfless activities.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA