Congratulatory message of Armen Sargsyan, Director of International Scientific-Educational Center of RA NAS, on the occasion of September 1st - Knowledge and Schooling Day
September 1, 2022
Dear students, professors, representatives of the education and science sector,
My warm congratulations on the International Knowledge Day – September 1st!
I am sure that the start of the New Academic year will bring new opportunities to expand your knowledge, implement interesting ideas and make new achievements.
Dear students, take advantage of these opportunities, arm yourselves with up-to-date knowledge and skills, be proactive and purposeful, which will give you the opportunity to become qualified and sought-after specialists, contributing to the development and progress of our country.
ISEC will always support and encourage you in the implementation of all your innovative and smart initiatives and ideas.
I wish you an interesting, successful and effective study.
Have a good education journey and enjoy the process of learning.
Good luck with studying…
Armen Sargsyan,
Director of International Scientific-Educational Center of RA NAS